Thursday, June 9, 2011

before i go...

Well, tomorrow I officially leave for my European adventure. I thought I would do one last post before I go, so here it is. In the past few days, I've realized a lot about myself and my relationships with others. I've started to realize how much of life is giving and how much of life is receiving. The two go hand in hand with each other. Most of the time when I give someone something or give someone myself, I don't ask for or expect anything in return. Which I think is the way everyone should do things, never expecting anything in return. Yet, it must go both ways. Others should respect you enough to give back to you what you have given them or anything in return for that matter.
   Another thing I've been thinking about a lot lately is this thing called unconditional love. I've heard it over and over again in Religion class and various other places, but never sat down and thought about it. How important this kind of love is in any relationship whether it be with your parents, your friends, a boyfriend or girlfriend, or with God. This must be the only type of love in which you give to others. If you care enough for someone to tell them you love them and really mean it, you must love them under any conditions. I've noticed lately how that doesn't always happen, as much as we would like to think it does. These past few days, weeks and months to come I am going to be searching for and learning a lot of new things about myself that I never knew existed. You are the only one who can love yourself unconditionally at every moment of every day.
     So if anyone is reading this, thank you for that. Keep us all in your prayers as we travel throughout Europe and keep me in your prayers as I go on a journey of self-discovery.

Eat a crepe, draw a picture, and always


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