
The awkward first questions (let's get these out of the way) 

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska by the coolest parents ever. (My dad tweets, enough said.) My momma is honestly the best cook/baker/friend/role model I could ever ask for. I have one sister who is basically my twin, but we are actually very different. She's a nurse and, well, I'm not.

What are you doing with your life?

I am currently living every day asking God what the heck He wants to do with me in this crazy world. Right now His answer is to serve Him as a FOCUS missionary at the University of Illinois in Champaign, Urbana. I can't wait to see how God works in the lives of the students there and what He has in store for my life in Champaign. 

Why should I read this blog?

I mean, I'm a pretty cool girl and sometimes I make funny jokes (once in a blue moon.) But in all seriousness, this blog is meant to keep whoever is interested in my life up-to-date on what's going on inside this crazy brain of mine. I will be updating all y'all on the goings on at the University of Illinois and introduce the awesome people I will meet along the way! I'll try to keep it fun and post more than once every six months but less than once a day.


Here are ten things you should probably know about me: 

1) I really like to laugh. Loudly. I laugh loudly. Like, people hear me coming because they can hear my laugh down the hall. Some call it obnoxious, but it's not changin'! 

2) I'm a listener. I love listening to people's triumphs and failures, joys and sorrows, their hurts, pains, their greatest moments and their God winks. I love to hear it all and be that listening ear for them.

3) People say that I'm "creative". I guess that's kinda true but honestly, I usually have no idea what I'm doing when I have a blank canvas in front of me. I just start painting or drawing or writing and see what I end up with. It usually turns out OK I guess.

4) I like solitude. Being alone doesn't freak me out, it actually invigorates me. Silence is so important to me especially in this world of craziness and distractions.

5) Jesus is my main man. Warning: cliches are about to be said. Every single day I wake up, I can't believe that I am living this life. He saved me, even though I fail Him every single day. He forgives me and loves me and shows me every single moment how incredibly loved I am and there's nothing I can do but give Him my life and make my life glorify Him.

6) coffee coffee coffee. (enough said.)

7) My favorite smell is the smell of the air right after it rains. It's so crisp and fresh, one of nature's calmest scents.

8) Driving is my drug. Give me a highway and no destination and a good country song that I can jam out to and I'll be golden.

9) I love words. I love reading them, I love writing them, I love hearing them. I feel like words are the language of the soul and when people write their souls are on the paper (or screen in this case.)

10) I'm not worthy of anything I have in this life, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. All the hurts, tears, crosses and hardships I've gone through lead me to this amazing place of peace and I couldn't ask for anything more in life.

Get inspired, kiddos!

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