Saturday, June 28, 2014

the sweet, sweet arrow.

Human beings amaze me. Their compassion, their support, their beauty--it has all just amazed me. And although many of us expect humans to be nice to each other, that's obviously not always the case. I'm actually not really sure what I expected to meet when I got down here to good 'ole Texas. I was expecting a summer of solitude and self-exploration and frankly, just being alone (which was oddly okay with me.) However, the second I got down here I had a plethora of people asking me to hang out, go to the bars with them, go shopping, go to baseball games, etc. They brought me in and made me feel like I was a part of the group and it made the transition so much easier and way more fun. And let me just tell you that Texans might even be *dare I say* nicer then Nebraskans. (Keyword: might.)


For the past three years in college, I've surrounded myself with the most amazing and incredible people. They are people who love beyond limits, would drop anything to be with you when you can't seem to pick yourself up out of bed, and go on Sonic runs (or Jimmy Johns) in the middle of the night just cause. And having these people around me has made me realize how important it is to spend your time and energy with people who love you no matter what and who will be there no matter what. There are people in my life who I have given way too much credit and energy to who are undeserving of it. Isn't it funny that we have so many people who love us in the world, yet we focus our energy on the few who don't? Why the heck do we do that? Seriously though...will someone please tell me. Love them, yes. But I'm vowing to no longer waste energy on people who....well..shitty.

I read a blog the other day and it helped me to realize that happiness isn't an object to attain. So many people think that once they "get happy" or "get happiness" but really that isn't what it is about at all. Happiness is inside of you, however cliché that sounds. No one can give you happiness. So stop thinking that is going to come from someone else.

A couple of months ago, I got an arrow tattooed on my side with my sister. At first, it was a reminder to myself to keep moving forward no matter what. However, being away it has kind of taught me something else. Yes, it points forward. But in reality, it points to the place I've come from as well as the place that I'm going. Wherever the hell that is. It points to the people who support me no matter what, even when I pick up and decide to move to Texas. It points to the people who never get sick of having to remind me that everything is going to be okay.

This blog was all over the place and I apologize for that. But, if you're reading this far that means you must have found something worthwhile in it and for that I am thankful. Know that I am praying for y'all and keep this wandering soul in your prayers as well.

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