Many, many women in our generation are currently taking a little white pill
labeled “The Birth Control Pill.” If you are reading this and are one of these
women, in no way, shape or form is this article supposed to reprimand you for
doing so. I understand that there are medical reasons (some life threatening)
that women take it. However, I wish to inform you of the truths that many
doctors fail to tell you when they prescribe this pill that is supposed to
solve all of your problems. Let me start off by saying that you and your
femininity are absolutely beautiful. Do not let anyone tell you anything
differently. Believe it or not, your fertility
and those pesky hormones are what make you a woman.
Here are ten truths about the pill that most people don’t know before they take it.
Here are ten truths about the pill that most people don’t know before they take it.
Increased risk of cancer
There have been many articles written about how the pill is said to decrease chances of ovarian cancer. However, in a
study done by the American Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2004, “Women who are on the pill have an
increased chance of getting breast, cervical and liver cancer. In another study
done by the Cancer Epidemiology, Biomakers and Prevention center in California,
“Women who regularly use the pill are
4.2 times more likely to get breast cancer.”
If this doesn’t make an impact on you,
think about this. The number of cases of breast cancer has risen over 80% since
the 1970s. Do you know what happened right before that? You guessed it, the
birth control pill was approved in 1960.
Origin of the Pill
Dr. Gregory Pincus originally introduced the pill, he started off the study by
testing the birth control pill on men. The study showed that the birth control
pill caused "testicular swelling on the men" so they stopped the study right
away. Dr. Pincus then started testing the pill on women. During this study,
three women died and yet they still continued. To this day, there are no oral
contraceptives for men because it is “too risky”. This, ladies and gentlemen,
is sexism at its finest.
Bad Sex.
not all girls are on the pill for
sexual reasons, believe it or not, many girls actually are. We are meant to
have sex—good sex. Actually not just good sex, we are made to have GREAT sex.
Naturally, women are the horniest when they are ovulating. However, the pill stops that ovulation which,
in turn, stops the inherent, natural desire for sex. Ever heard of faking the
big O? Yeah, this is why women are known for doing that—because of this stupid
pill. We have to use pornography and sex toys to make sex more enjoyable when
in fact our natural desire for sex is meant to be good enough.
4) Manhood
and Masculinity is attacked
During ovulation, women are more attracted
to guys with masculine features (i.e. broad shoulders, facial hair, muscles). Women
who are on the pill don’t have “fertile days” which means they don’t have the
same hormonal changes that cause them to be attracted to men of dissimilar
genetic makeup (according to Dr. S. Craig Roberts). Women in this study
reported to be less satisfied with men of similar genetic makeup then after
sleeping with men of dissimilar genetic makeup. This non-satisfaction leads me
to my next point.
Increases the chance of divorce
Although the pill isn’t directly correlated
to the increase of divorce, studies show that couples that use NFP (Natural
Family Planning), as opposed to artificial contraceptives, have less than 0.2%
divorce rate. Compare this number to scary (and rising) national divorce rate
of 50%.
6) The Symptoms
Many women (and girls) who go on the
pill are most concerned with the most common side effect—weight gain. Ladies,
the doctors will tell you that weight gain, some spotting, and bigger boobs are
the only side effects of the pill but I’m sorry to tell you that they are
absolutely wrong. Those are some of the most common side effects, but in
reality, a lot of other sh** happens to your body without you even knowing. I
had two friends within two weeks of each other get rushed to the ER because
they had a blood clot that was caused by their birth control. There are so many lawsuits out there that are
suing various birth control brands because they caused blood clots, strokes,
heart attacks, and even death. You tell me, is a clear, acne-free face or
cramp-less period worth your life? I don’t think so.
7) Objectifies
Ladies, you don’t deserve to put
your beautiful body through the burden of having to live with being a slave to
this medication. Yes, maybe you take it for medical reasons, but there are actually
pretty natural ways to regulate your period, clear your acne, and make cramps
more bearable. Our culture says to women, “Your fertility is a problem and the
way to solve that is to change your life and schedule to become enslaved to
this pill, ring, shots, patches,” or whatever it may be. You are not a burden.
Your fertility, hormones, mood changes and all, are what make you a woman.
Embrace that!
8) It makes you LESS ATTRACTIVE
to men
We are in the time of our lives that
everyone around us either is looking for a significant other or is getting one.
Relationships and your attractiveness to the opposite sex are in the forefront
of everyone’s minds. So why would we take a pill influence our attractiveness
and ability to find a life-long mate? Lionel Tiger (and colleagues) did a study
where they put one male monkey on an island with six other female monkeys. The
male monkey picked out three female monkeys who were his primary sex partners.
Tiger then injected the female monkeys with contraceptives and the male monkey
stopped having sex with them. The male monkey then went on to have sex with the
female monkeys that weren’t on the contraceptive. This study shows that women who aren’t on contraceptives are more attractive to men.
9) Changes who
you’re attracted to
Pheromones are the odorless,
colorless chemical that attracts people to one another. Women give off the most
pheromones when they are ovulating, which makes them the most attractive during
this time. However, since the pill releases crazy amounts of artificial
hormones, the pheromones that the women are attracted to change when they stop
taking the pill. It goes back to the point I made in reason #4—it makes you
less attracted to masculine men and in turn your pheromones make you attracted to
a less suitable partner. (No thank you.)
10) It’s
harmful to the environment.
Finally, if none of these reasons
sway you to think twice before you pop that pill that is supposed to solve all
of your problems, give the environment a break. There are so many people that
are concerned with recycling and doing so much to help the earth, yet they are
doing harm to themselves AND the environment when they are taking this
artificial pill. The pill emits 30-50 mcg of estrogen in one dose. Every woman
that takes it ends up going to the bathroom, and in turn this water eventually
makes its way to water reservoirs and the fish actually take in the estrogen
that is in the water. EE2, which is the active ingredient in most birth control
pills, creates an “intersex” among fish. Which basically means makes male fish,
male/female fish. That’s gross. Let’s be nice to our environment and let male
fish be male fish.
Ladies and
gentlemen, (but mostly just ladies): you
are worth more then putting your body through all of this artificialness. Your
body was made in a way that is perfect just the way it is and there’s no reason
for you to have to change it. Do yourselves a favor and research (holistically)
what your doctors are prescribing and what you are putting into your body. Believe
me, the pill is not the end all be all to your problems and to your life.
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