Today I got the amazing opportunity to reflect on all the amazing things that I am thankful for in my life. Now, more than ever, I have been reflecting on the multitude of positive things and people in my life. When I walk outside in the morning, I instantly thank God for all the gifts He has poured upon me this past year. I have the most amazing family in the entire world and I have no idea where I would be without them. I am so thankful and am so blessed with so many things in my life. I found the most amazing group of girls on UNL's campus and I cannot express how happy and blessed I am to be a part of the greatest sorority house ever. I've found my best friends there and I hope they know how happy I am that each and every one of them came into my life.
Most of all, I am thankful for my faith. Without it, I would be nowhere. Each and every day I wake up, I can't help but see God in everything. In the trees, in the people passing me, in the hard times, at the Newman Center. He's everywhere and I am beyond thankful for that.
This past year was definitely a roller coaster ride, but I would never be where I am on the ride without You. Thank You for never giving up on me and for always fighting for me. I realize that when one door closes, You always let another one open and You've opened so many doors for me. The words, "Thank you" do not even come close to expressing my gratitude for You.
Help me, Lord, to never forget Your love for me. Help me to be satisfied with You, and You alone. Fill my heart with Your love and remember, always remember, how thankful I am for You.
Breathe in some fresh air, be thankful, and always